Wednesday 17 November 2021

Heath Robinson In Real Lego (Part 3)

Building the final model took longer than I expected and although I needed to make a number of adjustments between the original digital model and the new real Lego one I was very pleased with the result.  I felt the final build still paid tribute to both Heath Robinson's original design and my digital model.  It was great experience going from digital model to physical model for such a complex and delicate build.


Wednesday 10 November 2021

Heath Robinson In Real Lego (Part 2)

One of the things that I felt was important about building a real Lego model of one of Heath Robinson's designs was that it actually worked!  Manging the rubber bands and connections between the various elements turned out to be much more challenging that I expected.  There was a lot of trial and error with the placement of various elements, wheels and cogs.  Plus I also added a crank handle so that you could more easily operate the model.  

Here's a short video showing the mechanism working during the build process.